Friday, March 26, 2010

Warm Weather Animals

We've had some warm weather days!

What animals have you seen?

Where do they find their shelter?

Why do you think they make this their shelter?


  1. I have seen lots of animals so far this spring! I saw birds and squirrls in my yard. They make their home in trees. They make their home their because it gives them shelter. The shelter protects them from rain, wind, and cold.

  2. In sping there are worms.There shelter is dirt.I saw alot of birds on the road.The birds were singing.Birds shelter is a nest.We are to big for us.

  3. I have seen a lots of baby deer.there are a lots birds too.

  4. Birdes find a sheiter.Birdes like to stay safe and deri.they find trees.birdes get hot in the suumer.

  5. Spring is here!there are lots of animals outside.A birds shelter is A nest.A kind of bird is a goidfinch.There are lots of other animals.

  6. I have seen birds, so I know it is spring. I can hear them chirp. A bird lives in a nest for shelter. They fly around and I like spring!

  7. Tere was a dear in the mountain.Tere were a bird in the tree.

  8. I soll a bird.shelter in a nest.and a shelter in a forist.I soll a fox shlter is in woods

  9. I have seen lots of Anunmils out their.I have seen birds and others.It is fun to look at budefol to look at thing!

  10. I see some animois like a sqwerl.A bird too.A qweril's sheiter is a tree.

  11. Yes we'v had a lot of sunny days.I'v seen ulot of animals to.

  12. I have seen lots of birds in trees. Birds come out in worm wether.a birds habitat is anest or a tree. birds are vary frendly. thay have to stay worm. birds are nice.

  13. I seen a lot of animals!I also saw a bird nest!It was the birds shelter!It kep the birds safe!

  14. I see lots of birds in spring.there shelter is in tree.because it do`nt get the birds colde.rabits,bevirs,deer too!

  15. I see lots of birds and squirrls this spring. Birds make their home in trees.squrrls make their home in trees too!Deers and fons come in spring.And bune rabbits,bevers,oters,werms too!

  16. I seen some animals latelea. like birds and squrrles brids have nests. squrrles have trees.

  17. there are was losts of birds. there was one on my roof. it was was red and pretty. I said hi.he was best. he was little.

  18. I seen a lot of animls befour my fAVRITE ONE is a birds.

  19. In the warm affternoons I have seen bats. They like to fly around in my yard.They like to sleep during the day in warm dark plases.They like to live in attics,under tree bark,caves,old barns.Daddy and I are going to make a bat house for them to sleep in.Because we like bats!!!!
